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Shraddha Enterprises

WELCOME TO Shraddha Enterprises

About Us

We Shraddha Enterprises Mumbai are a highly famous organization of the industry involved in trading and retailing of pleated, roller, sliding mosquito nets and bird net, blinds for windows. Our provided products are designed by taking only high quality components at our vendor’s ultra-modern processing unit.

Our Mission : Our mission is to provide quality netting solutions, with deadly combination of affordable price and outstanding service

Our Vision : Our vision is giving more than we promise by giving competitive solutions at the correct possible price with sharp technological finish to work.

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Quality Guarantee

Our long existence in this field is due to the strict quality standards we follow. We focus on maintaining the quality standards up to our utmost level.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to answer as many FAQs as we could think of. Please go through them to clarify any doubts about grills and nettings as sorted by topic.

12 Years Experience

With highly experienced well trained industry professionals at work, you can rest assured that the final outcome will exceed all your expectations

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What We Offer

Why Choose Us

Safe & Secure

we are prides itself on esceptional customer service and is committed to its promise to deliver and quality on site.


Offering the most effective maintenance for our merchandise and services as well as replacement or repairing of defective components.

Low Cost

We are providing best quality net low Cost.we offer services of Residential Bird Netting & Bird Proofing which are highly cost effective.

Zero Maintenance

Bird infestation can cause structural damage to your building in a nu. of ways. Bird droppings have an acidic which is corrosive to paintwork nest materials

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